"...age of marriage for those of Turkish descent averages 21 for women and 24 for men,while for those of traditional German ancestry, the ages are 29 and 32." Kathleen Stassen Berger, The Developing Person: Through the Life Span page 449
Sure, I didn't bother to properly cite my source, but my last name is Schmidt and the above quote aids in my feeling a great deal more comfortable with my lot in life. For your consideration-I've been very antsy about a good deal of things including but not limited to: my younger sister's upcoming wedding and my inability to start at Drexel this fall. (I've got to finish five studio art classes and can't possibly get it all done by September while remaining at my present full time job. That's right: I'm entirely crushed but still alive, just barely.)
At least now I have found solace in my rank as spinster for the next four months as a twenty-nine year old.
Also, me: married? That sounds sort of like a punchline.