Saturday, December 25, 2010

merry christmas/schmidtzmas/fritzmas!!

i have more new hair accessories than i can ever hope to wear and more spinach/artichoke dip than a person should consume.

hopefully everyone has the kind of day i am having. it's always an embarrassing and impersonal thing to broadcast a message like this. if i could call every person i ever knew to say happy day i would, but my voice is gone after a big night last evening. i got to hang out with my favorite fritzmas which was totally awesome. we had an unnecessary new years countdown to midnight and sang destroyed versions of carols. oh, and meeting lisa, by the way, was awesome!! she's one of those girls that you feel completely like you've known forever straightaway.

i love people.

also: latest project!!

i bought 2 tickets to the talent show and am hoping i'll find someone who would like to go. he'll most likely be date number 11 or 12.
this date will be a little different because the show is in brooklyn. either i'd like to find someone here to go with me, or i'll expand my horizons and go with someone from new york, should i find a person who would like to go and with whom i might potentially be compatible.

the theme is "presents."

this is fitting because at present my present to myself is the presence of others!!

The Talent Show has another show coming up—on December 29th at Littlefield in Gowanus, Brooklyn—featuring This American Life producers Ira Glass and Jane Feltes, and regular contributor Dave Hill.

Show theme: "The Talent Show Presents: Presents." They're trying something that seems like it could be kind of amazing: A massive regifting gift swap involving the entire audience. BRING AN UNWANTED GIFT TO THE SHOW to swap for something you want a little more.

$5. Doors open at 7, show starts at 8. Tickets.

1 comment:

  1. i noticed your wide array of awesome hair accessories :) right on!
