Sunday, December 19, 2010

tomorrow night: DATE 5

tomorrow night (unless things change) i am going out with mike. we'll start our evening at around six with a tour of a television station? cool stuff!!

i don't know anything about him except that he works at this station and that i saw a picture of him with a wax-version of wolverine. that's what i'm going to show you now:

i'm really pulling for the scavenger hunt, honestly.

last night i did my best to secure some dates from friends. lots of people had suggestions but i don't know that i should be the one to ask the guys because then i'm putting them on the spot. to put a stranger on the spot: i can just walk away unscathed if they say no. in this case though, to approach someone from within the improv community, there is a 100% chance i'll see them again. and with my luck i'll end up with a tremendous crush on the unfortunate fellow and things will be somewhat awkward forever and i'll turn into the high school version of myself making mix-tapes and collages and funny little gifts.
then i'll get the reputation for being a whack-job-nerd-girl.
so embarrassing.
all that to say: just ask me out, ok?

you know i'm apt to say yes. it's my style. this is the year of acceptance.

let's talk a little about this year, shall we? also, we'll go back a little into my history so you can have a better understanding of how this whole thing came about.

i got "ungaged a year ago." i'd spent several years with a really great guy who i still admire and for whom i have no hard feelings. because it's been a year since i was in a relationship i figured i may as well go hard into dating again. (i have the tendency to do things in a major way. it started when i was little. my parents wouldn't just have a birthday party for me. they'd have a party for my three sisters and me all at once with a giant circus tent, unicycle riders, magicians, twenty pizzas and laundry baskets filled with chips and pretzels and stuff. the schmidt family, looking back, rarely did things small. i worry often that i'm some sort of chronic one-upper but really try not to be. i think i just get carried away and am severely enthusiastic.) so instead of just deciding i should see people again, i'd do it big. i have gone on some dates in 2010, and some of them have been pretty great. there are some guys i've seen a number of times and i really enjoy them. but in order to officially be myself i've somehow turned my life into one of those novels with a bright pink cover that's got a high heel on it. hey, i think i'd read it. it's slightly out of the ordinary.
this year i got really into improv and have been totally dedicated to that. i entered a piece in the chester county art exhibit for breast cancer awareness. i rented a van, (and rode a shuttle bus filled with strangers from site to site--because of problems) filled it with friends and took a trip to new york for the evening. i went salsa dancing with a group of strangers. i started my search into a new grad program (fingers crossed that i'll be doing art therapy through drexel come next fall!) i did every stinking volunteer project that seemed at all appealing. i got hypnotized!! i lost my ability to read!!!! i got it back!!! i lead a conga line of maybe 500 people. i was on stage doing a drop of improv with some performers from second city.i got asked out two weeks after giving pizza to a guy on the street. i did my first story slam. i won contests. i took workshops: sock animals, story telling, writing. i learned how to lay a hardwood floor. i spent a month painting new construction. i was with my friend in a minor car-fire in the mountains. i spent quality time with a park ranger AND a forest ranger, unrelated, in the same day. I SAW MY FIRST BEAR OUT OF CAPTIVITY. i was on stage. i was in the crowd. i lost my voice. i cried to friends. i was so happy i was moved to tears on multiple occasions. i spent time-but not enough-with my sisters and mom. i met my niece--who is the most beautiful glowing light you could ever imagine. this year for myself has been unreal.

this brings us to the present. why a dozen dates? because at about 11:30PM on december 1 i thought "on the first day of schmidtzmas!" which quickly turned into "on the first date of schmidtzmas!" i couldn't shake it.

and that's it.

oh, and am i just doing this to go out, or am i looking for something more serious?
i don't know. i'm leaning toward the former but i'm open to the latter.

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