Sunday, December 6, 2015

The First

FIRST, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY: Just because someone wants to know what color you like doesn't mean you have to question your feelings for them. They may genuinely want to know. And you may accidentally be a pre-judging dummy who is maybe afraid of rejection. Maybe they have reasons for asking. Maybe it was completely reasonable and relevant to the conversation but you just saw it in isolation and rolled your eyes because now you're both one kid on another kid's shoulders, wearing a trench coat. I'm just stating that now, and I'm not going to talk about it any more probably.

One and I had talked about going out before I decided to write again. I'd also been awake for 31 of the last 34 hours, so we decided to do something to do something not so involved.

We decided to get dinner and see what happened from there. He suggested a place, and for whatever reason, I said no and suggested a place I didn't know, that was supposed to be new and good. Their site also said they were open until 11:pm. I got "there" a few minutes before him, but I couldn't figure out where I was. I was parked in front of a closed grocery store that was supposed to be an open restaurant described as "elegant, fine dining."
This is what it looked like:

So I was convinced One would think this was some weird sting operation. It turns out this place was IN the grocery store and it wasn't open. So we ended up going to the place he suggested initially and that was a good move, he was right.
After dinner we talked a bunch, drove a lot, and looked at cool stuff.
Here, I'll show you something you can't really see.

Just believe me that that's an old train. The picture was taken with an old polaroid. He brought it along, and despite the bulbs being endangered-nearing extinction, he let me use it. Also, this date happened last week, so it's old news. SO MUCH OLD.

I am glad to report that:
  • neither of us approved of the little dog that the man held over someone else's table. 
  • dinner was good; conversation was better.
  • though movies are important to him, he didn't hold it against me-in fact: he didn't even care-- that I haven't seen Star Wars.
  • we did not see Goat Man.
  • after driving a great deal and not finding ANYWHERE else, he was just as delighted as I was to arrive at an Applebee's. They have sangria for $4. If you don't know, now you know.

Verdict: it went well. We went out again and he gave me this:
That's a cool dog. COOL DOG.

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